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Resources Looking for more information? The lists below can help you.
Print resources A Parent's Guide to Playing It Safe with Kids and Cars www.safercar.gov/staticfiles/safercar/pdf/ParentsGuideToPlayingItSafe.pdf This booklet is designed to equip you with easy-to-understand information about today's vehicle safety features, car seats and how to keep your kids safe in and around vehicles. Car Seat Checkup: Top 5 Things to Do www.safekids.org/assets/docs/for-media/car-seat-checklist.pdf To help parents ensure their child seats are installed and used correctly, take 15 minutes to conduct an at-home checkup using the following downloadable checklist. "Choose the Right Seat" Campaign from Parent Central www.safercar.gov/parents/TRS/toolkit.htm This webpage has information on car seat and booster seat basics, installation tips, how to secure your child, instructional videos, a pregnant woman's guide to buckling up, and a toolkit which in¬cludes PSAs, posters, and other materials. Buckle Up Kids https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ots/educational-materials/Documents/CPS-Buckle-Up-Kids-Brochure.pdf How to choose the right child safety restraint and use it right. Don't Skip a Step https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ots/educational-materials/Documents/CPS-DontSkip-English-Brochure.pdf Don't Skip a Step – Spanish https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ots/educational-materials/Documents/CPS-DontSkip-Spanish-Brochure.pdf Don't Skip a Step - Somali https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ots/educational-materials/Documents/CPS-DontSkip-Somali-Brochure.pdf An informational brochure on child passenger safety. Get There! Your Guide to Traffic Safety http://www.minnesotasafetycouncil.org/traffic/GetThere.pdf Engaging and practical tips for drivers and passengers of all ages. Good Going! Adventures in Safety http://www.minnesotasafetycouncil.org/traffic/goodgoing.pdf The information in this book includes information for kids on the seat belt fit test and how to be safe while riding in a booster seat. Video / DVD resources A Crash Course in Child Passenger Safety This free DVD from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia contains the English and Spanish versions of the five videos available on their Car Seat Safety for Kids website. The DVD covers the basics of car seat safety — from newborns to teens. To watch the videos online or to place an order, visit: www.chop.edu/carseat. Don't Risk Your Child's Life VIII (English or Spanish) Total time: 18 minutes This video includes selection and correct use of safety seats, graphic footage of air bag deployment with a rear-facing infant dummy, crash footage illustrating the critical importance of infants riding rear facing, demonstration of benefits of booster seats, and demonstration of installation in the vehicle. Automotive safety for children in the 21st century. To order, contact: Shelness Productions, http://www.carseat.org/Resources/Don%27t_Risk_video.htm; phone: 336-774-0780 Simple Steps to Child Passenger Safety Total time (3 sections combined): 27 minutes Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians created this car seat installation video guide with separate sections for infants, toddlers and booster-aged kids. Each section stands alone as a concise and complete lesson. (2011) To order, contact: Living Legacy Productions, Inc. at www.livinglegacyweb.com "Stay Safe with Seat Belts and Safety Seats" - Video on the importance of proper use of safety restraints and how to correctly use child car seats to keep young passengers safe. (Available in English, Spanish, Hmong, and Somali) Website Resources AAA http://exchange.aaa.com/safety/child-safety/safety-seat-guide/ This site provides information and instructional videos on the four stages of car seat use for children, beginning with stage one for newborn infants through stage four, when they're ready for safety belts. American Academy of Pediatrics http://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/on-the-go/Pages/Car-Safety-Seats-Information-for-Families.aspx This is an updated guide to car seats and car seat safety from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety http://www.iihs.org/laws/SafetyBeltUse.aspx This webpage from IIHS provides information on safety belt laws and child restraint laws, including state-by-state tables and interactive maps. Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety http://www.buckleupkids.mn.gov Contains specific information concerning Minnesota child passenger safety resources and issues. Minnesota Safety Council http://www.minnesotasafetycouncil.org/family/carseatindex.cfm?L1=70&L2=177 Child Passenger Safety resources and fact sheets. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration http://www.nhtsa.gov/Safety/CPS National information on education, training, enforcement, outreach and legislation to ensure that all children ages 0-16 are properly restrained in the correct restraint system for their age and size every time they travel in a motor vehicle. Parents Central www.safercar.gov/parents/CarSeats.htm Contains tools and resources for keeping kids safe in and around cars. Partners for Child Passenger Safety www.chop.edu/service/car-seat-safety-for-kids/index.html Access car seat safety videos, information and tips to help you install the right safety seat for your child. Safe-a-Rooni - Snappy Safari http://www.safe-a-rooni.org/Trailblazing/Snappy/ An interactive site hosted by the Minnesota Safety Council that provides activities for both children and adults on properly buckling up. SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A. http://www.carseat.org Provides consultation to advocates, parents, business leaders, the media, and professionals working in the fields of health care, traffic safety, and education. Safe Kids Worldwide http://www.safekids.org/safety-basics/safety-resources-by-risk-area/car-seats-boosters-seat-belts-/ Provides fact sheets, safety tips, videos and research reports on car seat and seat belt safety for young passengers. . Seatcheck.org http://www.seatcheck.org/ Provides a free child safety seat inspection locator service including more than 4,000 local inspection locations staffed by trained and certified child safety seat technicians. The web site and toll-free telephone assistance (1-866-SEAT-CHECK) are available in both Spanish and English. In addition, the Web site offers parents and caregivers other useful information on keeping children safe in motor vehicles. including state's laws regarding child passenger safety. Child safety professionals - help promote this site with free materials |